Meteor Client: Colby

“I reached out because I had plateaued on my own. I was working out as hard as I could sustainably work out in the gym, but unlike in my 20s, I stopped seeing as much progress and my body began to get a whole lot sorer!

My biggest challenge prior to working together was eating consistently enough. As I have come to find out by working with Sena, I was either not eating enough food for my body to be able to properly function/recover or I would binge eat as I would crave carbs and fat once I went to far into a deficit. This back and forth made it hard for my digestion as well as trying to keep my weight under control.  

My biggest frustration with nutrition was consistency - I would do certain diets and they worked! But a lot of the time it just wasn't sustainable for me to cut out certain food groups or have to try and cram a day’s worth of food in a few hours if I was trying fasting. Because of this, I would get glimmers of looking how I used to look which made it all the harder when I would inevitably slip back into my bad habits. My nutrition and performance now, after working with Sena, Is great! I eat whatever I want with the goal of having balance. I have noticed that over the few months I have been working with Sena I have actually put on about 15 lbs but my body fat has lowered substantially. The biggest impact has to be my physical recovery - after working out or playing basketball I used to be incredibly sore for days at a time and I stopped seeing muscle growth, as I have come to find out the body can't repair itself if it has no fuel (or the improper fuel) to do so! I feel much stronger, well-rested, and much more able to recover than I used to.

If you are considering joining Meteor Nutrition program - Do it!  You hire mechanics for your car, HVAC people to fix your AC, why not hire someone to help you take care of your body!? When a business isn’t happy with its performance, they hire consultants to help diagnose the problem, implement a new process to help solve the problem, and then provide the infrastructure to be successful at maintaining the new improved process – this process is no different just with our bodies! Making a meaningful change to your quality of life doesn’t happen by accident, I certainly wouldn’t have been able to get to where I have or have any chance of maintaining it without help. “


Meteor Client and Marathon Runner: Charlie


Meteor Client: Jennifer